Effectiveness Management

THE secret

Transforming Performance into Excellence

At Oyinit, we recognize that the efficacy of your customer services is  crucial to the overall prominence of your business. Our Effectiveness Management solutions are designed to  identify and correct process deviations but also elevate your service team’s performance, thereby significantly enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Active Monitoring Tracking Surveillance Supervision

Mapped Competition Monitoring Analysis Strategy

Goals Established Customization Empathy Adaptability

Effective management is crucial to the success of any customer support team, especially in remote and dynamic settings orchestrated by Oyinit. Our strategy emphasizes the importance of proactive analysis and continuous process optimization. By anticipating deviations in productivity, we are able to implement targeted training and strategic adjustments that increase efficiency. This focus on identifying and correcting non-productive parallel activities guarantees that each team member positively contributes to the company’s collective goals. In addition, the intelligent categorization of applications based on user profiles simplifies operations and fosters the adoption of more effective tools, thereby amplifying overall productivity.

Simultaneously, Oyinit adopts advanced methods through our CRM to monitor active working hours, such as analyzing keyboard and mouse movements, including the analysis of keyboard and mouse dynamics, to ensure a precise evaluation of staff engagement and commitment. This monitoring allows us to optimize working schedules, improving the team’s overall efficiency. With transparent visualizations of individual performance and meticulous record-keeping, we ensure utmost transparency and enable more targeted and effective management. These management practices, centered on proactivity and the use of advanced technology, place Oyinit at the forefront of efficiency management, guaranteeing high standard, fast and reliable customer support services.


Proactive identification: We actively identify potential productivity losses, allowing us to focus training and improve efficiency.

Recognition and treatment: We recognize non-productive parallel activities that could harm overall productivity.

Ensuring contribution: We commit to ensuring every task positively impacts productivity and elevates customer satisfaction.

Application classification:

Categorization based on user profile: Implement categorization of applications based on user profiles to enhance productivity management and tailor user experience.

Streamlining processes: Optimize operational workflows by identifying and promoting the utilization of the most effective applications, thereby elevating efficiency and user satisfaction.

Active hours monitoring:

Keyboard and mouse monitoring: Monitor keyboard and mouse movements to ensure an accurate measure of staff engagement.

Optimization of working hours: Use the data collected to optimize working schedules, increasing the efficiency and productivity of the team in general.

Visualization of individual indicators:

Clear visualization of performance: Provide clear and detailed visualizations of individual performance indicators, enhancing understanding and clarity.

Access to monitoring:
Comprehensive record keeping: We keep detailed records that maintain access to selected applications during working hours, upholding our commitment to excellence and precision.

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Talent Retention Strategies

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Holistic Skills Development

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