We understand the importance of reliable and informed support in the financial market.

Oyinit recognizes that excellence in customer service in the financial market begins with a very rigorous selection of talent for this niche, with a focus on identifying professionals with a logical analytical aptitude for a better understanding of the basic market knowledge and transactions that will be offered.

E-learning, which, together with Oyinit's Strategic Digital Recruitment (SDR-O) in 3 stages, puts us ahead in preparing a well-prepared and customer-focused team for your business.

Skills Identification:We look for skills that match the needs of the financial market.
Behavioral Assessment: We assess the candidate’s ability to adapt to a constantly changing market environment.
Practical Simulations: Candidates are tested in scenarios that replicate real challenges their clients may face.
Final Interview:We shape a team with candidates who not only possess technical skills but also strong emotional control and balance.

Oyinit builds a customer care team for your financial market company

Oyinit understands the complexity and importance of efficient customer service in the financial market. That's why we are dedicated to creating a customer service team especially for your company in this sector. Our process begins with the careful recruitment of professionals, ensuring that every interaction with your customers is conducted with the utmost competence, precision, and professionalism, reflecting the seriousness and reliability of your brand in the financial market.

Standard MT4 training

After recruitment, professionals undergo intensive training in MetaTrader 4 (MT4).

Trading and Analysis

Basic training on using MT4 for market analysis and trading.

Legal Responsibility

As in the casino segment, Oyinit assumes full legal responsibility for the actions of the Customer Support team in the financial market, ensuring compliance and ethics in all operations carried out by our employees.

Expertise from a senior manager

Oyinit offers a robust and reliable customer support solution for companies in the financial market, combining technical expertise with in-depth knowledge of the sector.

As a legally registered company, Oyinit takes full responsibility for the actions of its staff. Every interaction and decision is made with the utmost attention to legality and ethics, protecting our clients and strengthening mutual trust. This commitment to legal and ethical responsibility is a central pillar in our services, offering peace of mind and security to our partners.


Oyinit understands the complexity and unique demands of the financial sector. That’s why our recruitment process for your company’s team is designed to identify professionals who possess centralized logical skills, but are also adaptable and committed to excellence. We assess each candidate on their ability to navigate the dynamic and volatile environment of the financial market, ensuring a qualified team ready to overcome challenges.


After being selected, Oyinit professionals receive intensive training focused on the technical and regulatory aspects of the financial market, including a basic knowledge of platforms such as MT4. This training ensures that agents are prepared to interact efficiently with clients, solve complex problems and remain compliant with regulatory standards at all times.


We understand the importance of effective management and personalized support in the financial sector. We offer attentive management and a service tailored to the individual needs of each client, guaranteeing quick and efficient solutions to any operational or technical challenge.


Oyinit is positioned as a key strategic partner for financial market companies seeking excellence in service, compliance and innovation. Our comprehensive and detailed approach ensures that all aspects of customer service are handled with the utmost professionalism and expertise, reflecting the high standard of your brand in the competitive financial market.

Do you want to optimize the customer experience in your financial services company? Contact Oyinit today and find out how our specialized services can make a difference to your business!